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Top 10 Vegetables That Taste Like Meat

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Portobello, shiitake, and oyster mushrooms have a meaty texture and rich umami flavor.

1. Mushrooms

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When cooked, eggplant takes on a tender, meaty texture and can absorb flavors well.

2. Eggplant

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Young, unripe jackfruit has a fibrous and pulled pork-like texture, making it a popular meat substitute in vegan dishes.

3. Jackfruit

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Made from wheat gluten, seitan has a chewy and dense texture that is often used in vegetarian and vegan recipes as a meat replacement.

4. Seitan

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With their earthy flavor and slightly grainy texture, lentils can work well as a ground meat substitute in various dishes.

5. Lentils

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When mashed or blended, chickpeas can be used to create meatless patties, meatballs, or falafel.

6. Chickpeas

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When roasted or grilled, cauliflower can take on a caramelized flavor and a more substantial texture.

7. Cauliflower

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Made from fermented soybeans, tempeh has a nutty flavor and a firm, chewy texture.

8. Tempeh

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Made from soy flour, TVP is a dehydrated product that can be rehydrated and used as a ground meat substitute.

9. Textured Vegetable Protein

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When cooked and seasoned, sweet potatoes can have a satisfying and hearty quality, making them a popular base for veggie burgers.

10. Sweet Potatoes

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