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Why Sleep Matters: 8 Reason How Proper Rest Helps You Lose Weight

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Sleep regulates appetite hormones: lack of sleep disrupts ghrelin (stimulates hunger) and leptin (signals fullness), causing increased hunger.

1. Regulation of Hormones

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Adequate sleep reduces late-night cravings, limiting unhealthy snacking on high-calorie sugary/fatty foods.

2. Reduced Late-Night Snacking

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Sleep deprivation weakens willpower, making it harder to resist unhealthy food choices & leading to sugary snacks for quick energy.

3. Improved Willpower

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Adequate sleep boosts energy and motivation for exercise, crucial for weight loss & maintenance, promoting an active lifestyle.

4. Energy for Exercise

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Deep sleep aids muscle recovery & growth. Adequate sleep after exercise, especially resistance training, is crucial for muscle repair & strength.

5. Muscle Recovery

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Lack of sleep reduces insulin sensitivity, leading to weight gain & increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Proper sleep supports metabolism & stable blood sugar.

6. Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity

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Lack of sleep raises stress, cortisol levels, promoting abdominal weight gain. Adequate sleep manages stress, cortisol, reducing belly fat.

7. Stress Management

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Adequate sleep boosts mental well-being, promotes positivity, motivation, and healthier lifestyle choices, including diet decisions.

8. Overall Well-being and Motivation

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