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8 Foods That Look Like Human Body Parts

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Brain-like appearance, rich in omega-3, benefits brain health.

1. Walnuts - Brain

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Sliced carrots have a similar shape and color to the human eye, and they contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is beneficial for eye health.

2. Carrots - Eyes

8 Zodiac Signs Women Who Are Lucky In Love Life

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Celery stalks are long and tubular, resembling bones. It's also interesting that celery is a good source of calcium, which is vital for bone health.

3. Celery - Bones

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When sliced horizontally, tomatoes resemble the chambers of the heart. They are also rich in nutrients that promote heart health.

4. Tomatoes - Heart

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Grapes resemble lung alveoli, aid lung function with antioxidants.

5. Grapes - Lungs

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Ginger has a shape that bears a resemblance to the human stomach. It has been used for centuries to aid digestion and soothe upset stomachs.

6. Ginger - Stomach

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An avocado has a shape reminiscent of the uterus, and some say it even helps with hormonal balance due to its healthy fats and nutrients.

7. Avocado - Uterus

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Kidney beans resemble kidneys, rich in iron & fiber, beneficial for kidney health.

8. Kidney Beans - Kidneys

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