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8 Dogs With Highest Bite Force

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The Kangal is a Turkish breed often used as a livestock guardian dog. They have a powerful bite force that can exceed 700 psi.

1. Kangal

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English Mastiffs are massive dogs with a strong bite force of around 556 psi. They have a gentle temperament despite their imposing size.

2. English Mastiff

Top 8 Zodiac Signs Known For Being Good Listeners

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Known for their rescue work in the Alps, Saint Bernards possess a bite force of approximately 540 psi. They are gentle giants and great companions.

3. Saint Bernard

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Rottweilers are known for their protective nature and have a bite force of around 328 psi. They are intelligent and often used in various working roles.

4. Rottweiler

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These dogs were originally bred to hunt lions and other large game. They have a bite force of about 224 psi and are known for their loyalty.

5. African Lion Hound

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American Bulldogs are muscular and powerful dogs with a bite force of around 305 psi. They were initially bred for various farm-related tasks.

6. American Bulldog

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German Shepherds are renowned for their intelligence, versatility, and bite force of approximately 238 psi. They are commonly used as police, service, and working dogs.

7. German Shepherd

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Belgian Malinois are similar to German Shepherds in their working capabilities, including their bite force, which is around 195 psi. They are often used in police and military roles.

8. Malinois

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