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8 Benefits Of Eating Green Chilli Daily

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Green chili peppers are low in calories and a good source of various nutrients, including vitamins A and C, potassium, and dietary fiber.

1. Rich in Nutrients

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Capsaicin in chili peppers boosts metabolism, aiding weight management by temporarily increasing metabolic rate.

2. Boosts Metabolism

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Capsaicin aids pain relief in creams; consuming chili might similarly help, but more research is required, especially for arthritis and muscle pain.

3. Pain Relief

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Capsaicin may lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol; chili's vitamins and antioxidants aid heart health and overall cardiovascular well-being.

4. Cardiovascular Health

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Chili compounds like capsaicin could inhibit cancer cell growth due to potential anti-cancer properties; research ongoing.

5. Cancer Prevention

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Capsaicin aids digestion by increasing gastric juices, while chili's antibacterial properties support a healthy gut.

6. Digestive Health

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Chili consumption releases endorphins, natural painkillers, promoting well-being and reducing pain perception.

7. Pain Management

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Green chili's vitamin C boosts immunity, aiding the body in fighting infections and illnesses effectively.

8. Immune System Support

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