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Healthy Heart 8 Top Herbs

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Known for its potential to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, garlic also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

1. Garlic

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Hawthorn berries and leaves are used to support heart health by improving blood circulation and regulating blood pressure.

2. Hawthorn

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Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory effects that can benefit heart health.

3. Turmeric

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Ginger may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and its anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial for heart health.

4. Ginger

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This spice can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, contributing to heart health.

5. Cinnamon

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Rich in antioxidants, oregano may protect against oxidative stress and inflammation that can affect heart health.

6. Oregano

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Its compounds have been shown to improve blood vessel function, potentially benefiting heart health.

7. Rosemary

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Basil contains flavonoids that support cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and promoting healthy blood vessels.

8. Basil

Fom Balancing Cholesterol To Regulating Diabetes  8 Health Benefits Of Green Tea