White Line

10 Popular Party Snacks And Their Calorie Count

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150 calories: Crispy and flavorful, but high in calories and unhealthy fats.

1. Potato Chips (1 ounce/28g)

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140 calories: Perfect for dipping, but watch out for added sodium.

2. Tortilla Chips (1 ounce/28g)

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200 calories: Tasty and indulgent, but can be calorie-dense.

3. Cheese and Crackers (4 crackers with 1 ounce/28g cheese)

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160-180 calories: Nutritious and satisfying, but consume in moderation due to high calories

4. Mixed Nuts (1 ounce/28g)

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30 calories: Low-calorie option, best without excessive butter or salt.

5. Popcorn (1 ounce/28g, air-popped)

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110 calories: Crunchy and salty, but be mindful of sodium content.

6. Pretzels (1 ounce/28g)

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180-240 calories: Delicious party favorite, but choose grilled or baked options for fewer calories.

7. Chicken Wings (3 wings, without sauce)

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300 calories: Cheesy and crispy, enjoy occasionally due to higher calorie count.

8. Mozzarella Sticks (3 pieces)

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100-150 calories: Healthy choice, especially with a light dip.

9. Vegetable Platter with Dip (1 cup mixed veggies with 2 tbsp dip)

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300-400 calories: Tasty but high in calories and saturated fats, enjoy in moderation.

10. Mini Sausage Rolls (3 pieces)

Common Food Pairings That Are Unhealthy