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8 Foods You Should Not Eat Without Soaking

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Soaking legumes lowers phytic acid, aiding mineral absorption, easing digestion, and reducing gas.

1. Legumes

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Soaking nuts & seeds removes inhibitors, boosts digestion, enhances nutrients, and improves flavor/texture.

2. Nuts and Seeds

Top 8 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Happiest Family Members

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Soaking grains cuts phytic acid, aiding mineral absorption, breaking gluten, and easing digestion.

3. Whole Grains

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Soak quinoa to remove bitter saponins, enhance nutrient absorption, and improve taste.

4. Quinoa

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Soaking oats reduces phytic acid, aids digestion, boosts nutrient absorption, and improves texture when cooked.

5. Oats

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Shorter cooking, energy-saving, even water absorption for improved texture.

6. Rice

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Rehydrate, soften, enhance taste; remove sulfur dioxide preservative.

7. Dried Fruits

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Better digestion, control liquid absorption, prevent rapid expansion in gut.

8. Chia Seeds

8 Protein Rich Foods That Are Assumed To Be Healthy But Are Not