White Line

8 Healthy Smiles Foods Good For Your Teeth

White Line

Chewy greens (spinach, kale, Swiss chard) boost enamel with calcium and stimulate saliva, naturally cleaning teeth.

1. Leafy Greens

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Cheese's calcium and phosphate balance pH, remineralize enamel, and boost saliva, rinsing bacteria.

2. Cheese

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Yogurt, like cheese, offers calcium, protein, and probiotics. Maintains oral balance, reduces harmful bacteria.

3. Yogurt

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Apples stimulate saliva, cleanse teeth, and fiber aids in scrubbing away particles and plaque.

4. Apples

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Crunchy carrots clean teeth, provide fiber and vitamin A for healthy gums.

5. Carrots

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Low-cal celery is a toothbrush, scrubbing with fibers, high water boosts saliva to neutralize acids, protect enamel.

6. Celery

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Almonds provide protein, calcium for strong teeth. Chewing boosts saliva, aids natural mouth cleansing.

7. Almonds

White Line

Green tea's catechins fight bacteria. Unsweetened green tea inhibits harmful growth, promotes oral health.

8. Green Tea

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