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8 Protein Rich Foods That Are Assumed To Be Healthy But Are Not

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Sausages, hot dogs, deli meats are high in sodium, unhealthy fats, preservatives, linked to chronic disease risk.

1. Processed Meats

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Some protein bars can be loaded with added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives, making them more like candy bars than nutritious snacks.

2. Protein Bars

The Top 8 Zodiac Signs  That Make The Best Travel Companions

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While chicken is a good source of protein, frying it adds unhealthy fats and extra calories, potentially outweighing the nutritional benefits.

3. Fried Chicken

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Similar to fried chicken, breaded and fried fish can be high in unhealthy fats and calories due to the frying process.

4. Breaded and Fried Fish

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Flavored yogurts may contain added sugars and artificial flavorings, which can counteract the health benefits of the protein-rich Greek yogurt base.

5. Flavored Greek Yogurt

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High sodium, additives, processed, less nutritious than whole plant proteins.

6. Processed Vegan or Plant-Based Meats

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Some nut butters are made with added sugars and unhealthy oils, diluting the health benefits of the protein and healthy fats found in nuts.

7. Highly Sweetened Nut Butters

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While egg whites are protein-rich and low in calories, omitting the nutrient-rich yolks means missing out on important vitamins and minerals.

8. Egg White Omelettes

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