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8 Way To Burn More Calories Throughout Your Day Without Exercise

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Walk, stand, take stairs, do stretches, and stay active in daily tasks. Burn more calories through everyday activities.

1. Increase NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)

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Walk, stretch, or play with pets. Avoid prolonged sitting to break up sedentary behavior. Burn more calories!

2. Stay Active During Breaks

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Incorporate standing into daily routine. Use standing desk at work or take hourly breaks to stand up and move around. Burn more calories!

3. Stand More

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Increase daily steps with a fitness tracker or app. Set a target for yourself. Walking more burns calories and improves health.

4. Increase Daily Steps

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Cold water boosts metabolism; body burns calories to heat it. Stay hydrated for overall health.

5. Drink Cold Water

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Get 7-9 hrs of quality sleep to support metabolism and control cravings. Proper rest aids natural calorie burning.

6. Get Enough Sleep

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Eat regular balanced meals and snacks to maintain an active metabolism. Avoid skipping meals; it can slow metabolism.

7. Eat Regular Meals and Snacks

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Protein-rich foods increase calorie burning due to higher digestion energy. Add them to your diet for the thermic effect.

8. Increase Protein Intake

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