The Real Benefits Of Eating Eggs

These are accessible

Eggs are cheap and often available in grocery shops, making them an affordable protein source.

Quick and simple to make

Although it requires some creativity, cooking eggs is easier than other protein-rich foods.

Rich in nutrients

An egg is nutrient dense because it contains everything needed to produce a chicken. Eggs are rich in B12, B2, A, B5, and selenium.

Few calories and carbs

A large egg has 75 calories, 6 grams of excellent protein, 5 grams of fat, and trace carbs.

Excellent protein

Because nine amino acids must originate from our diet, protein quality depends on how many they have. Protein sources like eggs include all of them in the appropriate amounts.


Around 200 mg of cholesterol per egg yolk is more than half of our doctors' daily guideline.

Eggs have little saturated fat

Eggs have more cholesterol than other animal products but less saturated fat.

Antioxidants in eggs

Oxidized cholesterol in our arteries is inflammatory and dangerous. Fortunately, eggs contain antioxidants that prevent oxidation.

Eggs contain choline

Choline, found in eggs, protects the liver and prevents Alzheimer's.

Eggs have lutein.

Researchers say egg yolks are one of the richest sources of lutein, a pigment associated to better eyesight and lower eye disease risk.