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Top 10 Quick and Easy Exercises to Melt Belly Fat

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Forearm plank: Straight body, engage core. Hold as long as possible. Effective for core strength and belly fat reduction.

1. Plank

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Knees bent, hands behind head, lift upper body engaging abs. Strengthen core muscles.

2. Crunches

8 Zodiac Signs Man Who Like To Hold Their Partners Hand

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Twist sit-ups: Knees bent, feet lifted. Hold hands together, twist torso right & left. Targets obliques.

3. Russian Twists

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Start in a plank position, then alternately bring your knees towards your chest as if you are climbing a mountain.

4. Mountain Climbers

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Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your legs off the ground and bring your right elbow towards your left knee, then switch sides.

5. Bicycle Crunches

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Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides. Jump while spreading your legs and raising your arms overhead, then jump back to the starting position.

6. Jumping Jacks

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quat, hands down, kick back to plank, push-up, jump feet back, explode upward. Full-body exercise for fat burning.

7. Burpees

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Brisk walking or jogging can be effective for overall fat burning, including belly fat.

8. Walking or Jogging

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Whether on a stationary bike or a regular bicycle, cycling is a great cardiovascular exercise that can help burn calories.

9. Cycling

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Engaging in fun dance routines can be a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories.

10. Dancing

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