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What Is Rainbow Diet And 8 Foods To Eat In This Diet

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Rich in lycopene, which may support heart and prostate health.

1. Red: Tomatoes

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High in beta-carotene, essential for vision and immune function.

2. Orange: Carrots

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Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants for immune support.

3. Yellow: Bell Peppers

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Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for overall health.

4. Green: Spinach

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Rich in antioxidants that promote brain and heart health.

5. Blue/Purple: Blueberries

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Provide anthocyanins for improved cognitive function.

6. Indigo: Blackberries

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Contain resveratrol, which may benefit heart health.

7. Violet: Grapes

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Known for its immune-boosting properties and heart health benefits.

8. White: Garlic

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